GSoC19 Phase 2 Week 3

Weekly Report

Posted by Bowen on July 21, 2019

Hi, this is my weekly report this week.

Progress this week

I moved the verilog_axi_ii block to a new branch axi, you can find it here.

With the help of Marcus, I add some extra code to make sure the block could find the path of templates. In the new branch axi, you can find the templates in the ./templates folder.

I modified some of the code of cpp template axi_module.cpp, instead of just offer a single void AXI_transfer(const unsigned int &gr_input, unsigned int &gr_output, unsigned int &time), I think there should be more kinds of interactives between the block and the verilog module, so I offer more function in this template.

verilog_axi_ii assumes the input and output should be synchronized, which may not be the real case in the AXI-stream interface. I am working on the general case of AXI-stream situation.

I am working on some more test cases as well, including doubler.v, which generates the x2 of input, and a FIFO_sync.v

Plan next week

Implement the general case of AXI-stream, using general block.


I am not sure how to implement forecast of the block, with so little knowledge of user verilog module.

See you next week.