GSoC19 Phase 2 Week 2

Weekly Report

Posted by Bowen on July 14, 2019

Hi, this is my weekly report this week.

Progress this week

I am keeping working on the verilog_axi_ii block this week.

I successfully built and tested the block. There are still some unfinished parts, but the major function has been constructed.

You can find the repository here (It has a little bit mess due to some unfinished codes.)

You should keep your Verilog module’s interface as below, to work with this block.


 * AXI signals:

 * ACLK               input

 * ARESETn            input
 * TVALID_IN          input
 * TREADY_IN          output
 * TVALID_OUT         output
 * TREADY_OUT         input
 * TDATA_IN[31:0]     input
 * TDATA_OUT[31:0]    output

If you want to build the block by yourself, you may need to change some micros in the You need to change to the path where you keep the source files. Frankly speaking, it is inconvenient, I will find a better way in the coming week.

#define GNU_RADIO_PREFIX "/home/bowen/Documents/GSoC/gr-verilog/"

Plan next week

Finish the error-handle part of the code, and solve the path problem.


The path problem

See you next week.